Borkenkafer forced clear cut

Borkenkafer forced clear cut

The tettau municipality carried out a complicated timber felling operation last year. The managing director of the WBV rennsteig gerit mahlich, who was also in charge of marketing the wood, showed the council the work done between langenau and schauberg.

The cutting of the road was very time-consuming and could only be carried out with a full closure of the road. The requirements were fulfilled, thanks to the need for wood at the beginning of the year, the timber was quickly removed. A fair form of apportionment had been found with the neighbors involved, and the acceptance had also been concluded with a slight financial plus. The management difficulty is simply enormous compared to a pure forest cut, he said.

Mayor peter ebertsch (bft) began by saying that from an economic point of view, one should simply cut wood if the price is right. Then one should not mourn in the future also the wood. In the tettau market, the company had to contend with the bark beetle after the dry spell last year. Municipal forest supervisor martin korlin said that it is essential to replant the bosks on the road because of the fear of rolling.

In the community forest, the bark oats formally fell last year, almost two hectares were severely affected. Therefore the stock was not to be held, with appropriate machines one had to put down a clear cut. Around 1000 solid cubic meters of wood were harvested on the southwest slope. After no company was found at first and the removal was not possible at that time, it was decided to debark the wood. This was demanded by the state at four euros per solid cubic meter.

As the forester explained on request, the community forest of tettau has been suffering for years. It is always cut more than it grows back, last year this was unavoidable due to the kafer situation and we have made almost five times the amount of the renewable 350 solid meters. More precise figures will be available next year because they will be updated again this year.

All in all, the "forest budget" could be improved with 21,000 euros plus. The figure is sad because of the quantity and the reforestation that is still to come, said korlin. In response to a further question, he said that according to the forestry law, reforestation of the forest is mandatory, which is why they want to plant more climate-tolerant tree species on the bare land.

A minus in the forest looms

The annual operating plan for the current year therefore provides for reforestation of the bare area. Despite the demand and the planned felling of 350 solid cubic meters, we will end the year with a deficit for the first time in years, predicted korlin. This was the case with a "normal around 15,000 euros. If, as is to be expected, more kafer wood is produced, the amount will be reduced by the sales lot. The annual operating plan was approved with one dissenting vote. At the beginning of the first meeting of this year, the mayor appealed to tackle the diverse and demanding tasks together for the good of the community of tettau. He noted that the high interest and redemption payments of around 500,000 euros per year were a heavy burden.

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